Posted by DrHolm |
Filed under Burnsville Dentist, Flossing, Gum Disease, Oral Care
To floss or not, that is the question of the day! Check our Dr. Holm's website
Something to think about while you are flossing tonight! (Or Not????) • The Surgeon General reported that 80 percent of the adult population has some form of gum disease. • Reader’s Digest reported on an 18-year study which concluded that people with gum disease were twice as likely to die from a heart attack and three times more likely to die from a stroke. • Periodontal disease wreaks havoc on blood sugar levels, resulting in a significant role in our country’s Diabetic crisis. If you have diabetes and your gums bleed, your chances of dying can increase 400 to 700 percent. • More than 30,000 Americans are expected to lose their lives to pancreatic cancer this year. Periodontal disease appears to be strongly linked to pancreatic cancer, according to a Harvard study on 63,000 male health care professionals, where a 62 percent increase in pancreatic cancer was shown in those who had periodontal disease. Now you know why we at the office may sometimes seem like zealots about bleeding gums! When I was in dental school in the mid 1980’s, we actually thought bleeding gums were NORMAL, because every patient seemed to have them! Now we know that was really just a reflection of a seriously UNDER- Diagnosed DISEASE! (I feel many other dental practices are “asleep at the wheel” as far as vigilance in the gum health department.) I personally think this is why God made blood RED- to act as a warning sign! Now you know why we check every single spot around your gumline, every time you come in! Best regards, Dr. Nancy Holm